wednesday night thinking

This post will here follow in english.
I go to the international profile on Stagneliusskolan, but when we were in Denmark, I realized I SO want to go to IB. Almost everybody in my committee went to IB, and everybody who went to IB were assum in english. I mean, like I've-been-living-in-america-all-my-life-assum. Crazy.

Although, I do like my school. My class and all the things we're up to. And the nearest IB programme available is located in Växjö, and who wants to move to Växjö when you're fifteen?
And it's not that I am bad in english. I had MVG in the A course. Ha.

So, to sum it up; I go to Stagg. I like it. Italy were assum at english.

Now if you excuse me, I am going to continue to listen to my Prelude In G Minor Op.23/5. Yes, I listen to classical music now. Cuz I can.

(I wrote this in english to prov to myself that I still can, I did a test today and got like paranoid. woo)


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